
My office takes great pride in assisting constituents. We will do our best to help anyone who calls, writes, emails or visits my District and Harrisburg offices.

If you have a question on any state government issue, I’ll try to answer it for you. And, if I don’t have an answer, I’ll work to get you one. If you have a problem or concern with any state government agency, please tell me about it. And, of course, your input is always welcome and appreciated on any legislative issue as I work to represent the interests of the people of the 43rd District.  So, please feel free to call, email, write or stop in. I look forward to hearing from you.


Not sure who your legislators are?  Click here to find your State Representative or State Senator.


Following is a list of just some of the services that my office can provide to you, but the list certainly isn’t exhaustive. If appropriate, links are provided to take you to the information that you are seeking, but please do not hesitate to contact my office for assistance or help with these and other requests:

APPLICATIONS AND FORMS: A listing of some of the commonly needed applications and forms available through my office and on the website.

TOLL-FREE NUMBERS: View a listing of important toll-free numbers from around the state.

DRIVER LICENSES AND MOTOR VEHICLES: For help processing motor vehicle registrations, driver’s licenses, learner’s permits and other Department of Transportation forms or for assistance in solving problems involving driver’s licenses and registrations, contact any one of my offices or visit the PA Department of Transportation Driver & Vehicle Services website.

LEGISLATION: To learn the status of legislation, obtain copies of House and Senate bills and state laws, contact any one of my offices or research bills and read about legislation online.

TOUR THE CAPITOL: Contact any one of my offices for information detailing the process for setting up school visits or other groups or visit the Pennsylvania Capitol online.

SENIOR CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Contact any one of my offices for information concerning Health Care, State Property Tax and Rent Rebates.   View a list of useful Senior Links →

HELP WITH STATE AGENCIES: My office can assist you with problems encountered when dealing with state government and state agencies.  View a list of state agencies →