Sen. Street questions Dr. Levin on Medical Marijuana :: March 19, 2018
Sen. Street questions Secretary of Drug & Alcohol Programs on Needs Based Assessments :: March 19, 2018
Sen. Street questions Secretary of Corrections on Justice Reinvestment :: March 19, 2018
Senator Sharif Street Presents a $1 Million Redevelopment Assistance Grant to WES Corporation
Sen. Street Questions Dept. of Revenue
Senator Street Comments on the Gun Violence Roundtable Discussion
Senator Street Interrogates Department of Corrections on SB 942
Senator Street Discusses Stop and Go Updates at LCB Budget Hearing
Sen. Sharif Street Discusses PIAA Religious Intolerance
Sen. Street Questions the Attorney General About Reducing Mass Incarceration
Sen. Street Interrogates Treasury Department During 2018-19 State Budget Hearings
Senator Sharif Street Presents a $500,000 Check to the Uptown Theatre
Senator Street’s Reaction to 2018-19 Budget Address
Senator Street Floor Remarks on the Superbowl Champions Philadelphia Eagles
Senator Sharif Street Presents $500,000 Grant to the Uptown Theatre
Philadelphia, Pa. − February 1, 2018 − Senator Sharif Street today presented a $500,000 check to the Uptown Theatre following the successful award of Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program funds from Governor Tom Wolf. “The Uptown Theatre has...
PA Senate Democrats Hold Rally for the Philadelphia Eagles at the State Capitol
Senator Street Discusses 2018 Agenda
Sen. Sharif Street Remarks at Liberty Bell Remembrance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Senator Street on African Cocoa Beans, PA Farmers and Hershey’s
Sen. Street Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Week Resolution
Roundtable Discussion on Criminal Justice Reform
Senator Street Remarks on Current Opoid Crisis During Roundtable Discussion on Criminal Justice Reform
Senator Street Interview on HB-674 Bill Signing
Senator Street Podium Remarks on HB-674 Bill Signing
State Senate Committee Discusses Ways to Prevent Street Harassment
Philadelphia – November 1, 2017 – At the request of state Sen. Lawrence Farnese (D-Phila.), the Senate Democratic Policy Committee today held a roundtable discussion at City Hall on strategies for preventing street harassment. “It is really important to have this...
Senator Street Remarks at the Coalition to Abolish Death by Incarceration Rally
Senator Street HB-1388 Remarks
Elected Officials and Advocates Stand Together for Expanded Hate Crimes Legislation
Harrisburg, PA – October 24, 2017 – This morning, elected officials stood with advocates to push for an expansion of Pennsylvania’s hate crime definition. As state law currently stands race, color, religion or national origin are protected classes under the hate...
Democratic Senators Detail Impact of Trump Actions on Affordable Care Act in Pennsylvania
HARRISBURG, October 18, 2017 — State Senate Democrats today blasted President Trump’s latest actions regarding the Affordable Care Act in Pennsylvania and detailed the debilitating impact on Pennsylvanians that his latest acts will have...