“This event is a continuation of Senator Street’s Redemption Tour to Reform Life without Parole in PA and focused on families of incarcerated people who have lost loved ones to violence “

HARRISBURG, PA (October 24, 2019) – On October 23, Senator Street joined over 500 advocates from across Pennsylvania who rallied in to demand an end to Death By Incarceration (also known as Life Without Parole) in Pennsylvania.  A broad coalition featuring bipartisan legislators, faith leaders, conservatives and progressives which included many who lost loved ones to violence and have loved ones sentenced to life in prison.

They joined Senator Street and Representative Dawkins in calling on the PA General Assembly to pass SB942 and HB135, legislation reforming life without parole in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Senator Street was joined by members of the General Assembly including Senator Anthony Williams, Senator Tim Kearney, Senator Katie Muth, and Republican Co-sponsor of the legislation Senator Camera Bartolatta.

The event is part of a bigger movement to generate support from Pennsylvania lawmakers for legislation that would give those empower the Parole Board to review Lifer’s cases.  

“ Lifers are diverse and include hundreds who have never taken a life, aging and geriatric prisoners who cost tax payers millions and battered women imprisoned for killing attackers before PA recognized the Battered Spouse Defense.” said Senator Street, “People are beginning to recognize the injustice of jailing for life many who have not taken a life while those who did are released, battered women who under today’s sentencing guidelines would not be prosecuted as premeditated killers and some of which would receive no jail time.  Lifers who cases warrant a second look, evidenced by 10 exonerations of lifers in 20 months in PA.  This is a broken system that makes no sense and demands reform. “

SB 942After the rally participants engaged in a processional through the statehouse, building an altar to honor loved ones lost to violence.

The Coalition to Abolish Death By Incarceration organized the rally and includes  Decarcerate PA, Fight for Lifers, The Human Rights Coalition, and Right to Redemption (an organization of people who are incarcerated at SCI Phoenix). Learn more at http://decarceratepa.info/CADBI



SB 942 Rally