Sala de prensa
Senator Street Hosts Annual Turkey Drive
Brahin Ahmaddiya – What this means during COVID-19
Distribución de pavos 50k Street Family
Michelle Brown Hayes – What this means during COVID-19
Senator Sharif Street remarks from PACares Funding press conference
Senator Sharif’s Statement on Killing of Walter Wallace
Every time someone is shot and killed in our community it should be taken seriously. This is even especially important when that life has been taken by officers sworn to serve and protect the community. I am encouraged that the District Attorney has initiated an...
DEP Increases Permitting Efficiency, Maintains Environmental Protection Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) continues its efforts to maintain environmental protections and even increased permitting efficiency throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, announcing today that staff have taken final action on...
Senator Street Remarks From Be Woke, Vote Event
Votercade Recap
Breonna Taylor’s Life Matters
Philadelphia, PA − Septiembre 24, 2020 − Senator Sharif Street released the following statement regarding the grand jury decision announced on Breonna Taylor: “Deeply disappointed, though not surprised, that the special prosecutor in Louisville has chosen to use his...
DEP Offers $400,000 in Grants for Environmental Education Projects, Free Webinar on How to Apply
Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has $400,000 in grant funding available for youth and adult environmental education projects in 2021-22 and will hold a free webinar on Octubre 14 on how to apply. Environmental Education Grants are available to schools, colleges, nonprofit community and environmental organizations, county conservation districts, and businesses.
Planting a Seed for Freedom
The War on Drugs has been a War on People
Philly Black Clergy Joins Senator Street & State/City Leaders for GOTV Event Amid Voter Suppression
Philadelphia, PA – Septiembre 15, 2020 – Today Senator Sharif Street joined members of the Philadelphia Black Clergy and state and local leaders to emphasize the importance of free and open elections amid COVID-19 as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is poised to rule on...
PA Senate Democrats & Small Businesses Rally Behind Legislation Supporting Business Interruption Insurance Claims
Harrisburg, PA – Agosto 27, 2020 – Today, State Senators Iovino, Street, Brewster, Schwank, and Hughes joined members of the Commonwealth’s small business community via Zoom to advocate for bipartisan legislation that would help Pennsylvania businesses file claims on...
El DEP declara la alerta por sequía en 16 condados
Harrisburg, PA – After a meeting of the Commonwealth Drought Task Force, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today declared a drought watch for 16 counties: Armstrong, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Cameron, Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Fayette, Huntingdon,...
Gira sobre soluciones de equidad racial
Silence is Sanction
"Our view of prejudice is often shaped by the most extreme examples of bigotry. But expressions of intolerance and cultural stereotypes are insidious and equally as dangerous. As a Black man who is a muslim in America, I am personally acquainted with bigotry and...
Inauguración de la Gira de Soluciones para la Igualdad Racial
Senator Sharif Street Police Reform Bills
El gobernador Wolf firma los proyectos de reforma de la policía
Los demócratas del Senado urgen liderazgo en el uso de adultos
HARRISBURG, PA - 9 de julio de 2020 - La pandemia ha creado desafíos presupuestarios sin precedentes en Pennsylvania. Senador Street envió la siguiente carta al gobernador Wolf y el liderazgo del Senado en instándoles a considerar la legalización del cannabis para recaudar ingresos en el otoño. ...
Senator Haywood, Hughes, Street announce $175 million housing assistance program
Los demócratas del Senado de Pensilvania debaten la agenda legislativa de reforma policial y la gira estatal sobre soluciones de equidad racial
Harrisburg - 30 de junio de 2020 - Los demócratas del Senado de Pensilvania se reunieron en el Capitolio y a través de Zoom para discutir el estado de su agenda legislativa para las reformas policiales, y para anunciar una Gira de Soluciones de Equidad Racial en todo el estado. Los demócratas del Senado de PA presentaron una...
La prohibición del estrangulamiento se aprueba sin problemas
El Senado de Pensilvania aprueba dos importantes proyectos de reforma de las fuerzas de seguridad
HARRISBURG, PA - 24 de junio de 2020 - El Senado de Pensilvania aprobó hoy por unanimidad dos importantes piezas de legislación de reforma policial, ambos patrocinados por miembros del Caucus Demócrata del Senado: Líder Demócrata del Senado Jay Costa, Jr. (D-Allegheny) y el senador Sharif Calle...
Chokehold Ban/Use of Force Policy advances in Senate
PA Senate Democrats Announce Comprehensive Police Reform Legislation
HARRISBURG – Junio 10, 2020 – Today, members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus announced plans for a comprehensive package of legislation to reform policing in Pennsylvania. Two years ago, members of the caucus introduced police and community relations...
Senator Street Remarks on H.R. 836
PA Senate Democrats Announce $225 Million for Small Business Assistance Grants Statewide
HARRISBURG – Junio 8, 2020 – Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus announced the direction of $225 million in federal CARES Act funding to aid small businesses across the commonwealth. This funding was authorized by the recently enacted COVID-19...