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Pennsylvania House & Senate Issue Death Penalty Repeal Act

Pennsylvania House & Senate Issue Death Penalty Repeal Act

PHILADELPHIA, PA. Febrero 17, 2023 - Today Senators Katie Muth and Sharif Street resubmitted a co-sponsorship memo to repeal the death penalty in PA, heeding Governor Shapiro’s call for its repeal by the General Assembly following his announcement to extend the...

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Senator Street’s Statement on Tyre Nichols

Senator Street’s Statement on Tyre Nichols

PHILADELPHIA, PA - Jan. 30th, 2023 - Following the vicious beating and death of Tyre Nichols, Senator Street released the following statement: “Tyre Nichols’ life mattered and to die at the hands of those responsible for protecting and serving is tragic. My...

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Fallece a los 83 años el ex senador del estado de Pensilvania T. Milton Street Sr.

Fallece a los 83 años el ex senador del estado de Pensilvania T. Milton Street Sr.

Los servicios se llevarán a cabo el viernes 16 de diciembre, de 9am a 2pm en Deliverance Evangelistic Church (2001 W. Lehigh Ave).

FILADELFIA, PA - 28 de noviembre de 2022 - Es con solemnidad que el senador Sharif Street anuncia el fallecimiento del ex senador del estado de Pensilvania T. Milton Street Sr., quien falleció hoy a los 83 años de edad, rodeado de su familia. La familia ha presentado la siguiente declaración:

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Senator Street Distributes 3K+ Turkeys for Thanksgiving 

Senator Street Distributes 3K+ Turkeys for Thanksgiving 

PHILADELPHIA, PA. − Noviembre 23, 2022 – Senator Sharif Street recently hosted the 42nd Annual Street Family Turkey Drive and Giveaway in partnership with Nicetown CDC, delivering more than 3,000 Turkeys to over 200 organizations throughout the greater...

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